I love to fish full stop by myself, with friends and with family. Estuary, inshore and offshore but barra is my main love closely followed by red emperor. I fish mostly as recreational promoting Humminbird and Minn Kota products but also fish competitions. I frequently post screenshots, tips and techniques on getting the most out of the Humminbird and Minn Kota products. I’m currently using the Helix system but would love to move up to the newer Solix system as touch screen and other features would greatly benefit the fishing I do. I would love to be apart of taking Humminbird and Minn Kota products into the dedicated offshore market. Getting transducers to read at speed, catching trophy fish and sharing how to do so through social media platforms, writing articles and educational videos. I own a 5.75 cruise craft for offshore and have access to a 4.68m Sea Jay Avenger sport CC and a small 4m creek tinnie for hard to reach areas. I would love to set all 3 boats up to promote Humminbird and Minn Kota products.